What creates and sustains our personal violence?
It seems that now, more than ever, violence has become a way of life for many people in this world. Our violence is not always overt! Most of it is subtle and is a result of spiritual ignorance. For this reason, Gregory presents a series of 8 different Discourses on the subject of what creates and sustains personal violence.
You will find this series deeply helpful, if you are not easily insulted. You must listen with a deep sense of willingness of Spirit and not from the desires of logic and reasoning, which rationalize pain into cruelty. Gregory offers this series to you in honor of your Heart and Soul.
This series includes the following Discourses:
All MP3 audio files are immediately downloadable upon completion of purchase.
“Dear Dr. Penn, I am in a correctional prison in Chula Vista and I will be here for the next 6 months. I have been watching your Aspire program show and I am beginning to see how I have lived on the outside and how self-destructive I have been. The shows I am watching now, We Know Not What We Do, have really been helping me and some of the other inmates here. Thank you for making your show to help us all.”
~Inmate, California