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“Want Love more than wanting what you think is love.” ~Siraj

Aspire is truly unique. Aspire is about compassion…about sharing spiritual insight with the public, through Radio and TV Programs, monthly Breath Journal and Discourses, bi-monthly Commentaries, Podcast and Videocasts and Meditation Workshops and Retreats.

Religion, philosophy and politics will not change the world. It is only through Love that real change…real transformation can occur. Aspire offers the blessing of a lifestyle that reveals the presence of Love that lives within all of us.

When you support Aspire, you offer people the chance to know that which will heal their lives…that which brings wisdom and clarity to this lifetime. Your support of Aspire extends far beyond air time. Your support allows Gregory to make hospital and Hospice visitations and provide free materials for people who are in need and can not afford to make a donation. It is only through your gifts that Aspire is allowed to serve humankind.

For your loving Sponsorship, you will receive all of the following (all offered to help you sustain an authentic spiritual practice):

We thank you for your loving support which makes all of this possible. Come Aspire with us!
In deepest gratitude…Namaste

Aspire provides programs on both radio and television that break with the typical convention of religion, offering spiritual insight to those who seek to move beyond a mind based in fear. I am completely dedicated to serving you through this work. Help us sustain Aspire and allow its message of Love and freedom to expand to all those who seek…as you do. All donations are tax deductible and you will be sent a receipt for income tax purposes.

Donation options beginning at $10 and up

To become an Aspire Sponsor is to realize how deeply important it is to uplift humankind’s vision to the direct experience that is Love, which lives within us all. All Sponsorships are tax deductible and you will be sent a receipt for income tax purposes.

Monthly Sponsorship levels begin at $25 per month
Quarterly Sponsorship options also available

“I just want to thank you for all that you do. I have been meditating using the Tibetan pulsing Meditations. Gregory, I am very excited about this new journey in my lilfe. I am slowly experiencing the true meaning of peace and happiness. Thank you!”
~Elaine – San Diego

“Dearest Siraj…One of your greatest lessons for me focuses on gratitude being a way of life as opposed to a reflection for an individual gift or blessing. I think of you everyday, often as I commence meditation; often as I am overwhelmed when gratitude touches my heart. I send to you my love, compassion and mercy – blessings that did not exist in my life before you touched my heart. I bow to you.”
~Alan – San Diego