03 Aug Lose To Gain
The greatest revelation of Life is that we must be willing to lose what we desire to enter into the state of Love that lives within. Unless we are willing to let go of everything that we believe in and want for the sake of allowing Love to live us, we will never find the authentic Love of our life.
This Love is never a person. It is a quality of consciousness that lives within us all. Love and Life are essential because they make up our being…and until we mature into realizing all of this, nothing will mean anything while the impermanence of Life plays out to show us that nothing is as it seems.
The problem is that most people seem to be indifferent to anything that is related to the spiritual. So many people in this world believe that inner exploration and meditation is a scam or that it does not pertain to them because they believe themselves to be good people and that is all one has to do in this world in order to be spiritual. A few affirmations here and a little denial there and viola! – you are spiritual! But there is so much more to all of this than most people ever give consideration to. You see, good often seems good for a while, then turns to not so good later on. And bad can turn into justified good, which becomes the Karma of their lifetime.
When a person has come to believe that being comfortable in this world is more important than the Love that lives within, issues begin to arise in their living. When the desire for more and better overtake the present moment and the beauty that is present within it, hate is born as a means of dealing with life.
Most people are only interested in how the spiritual can make their material or mental life better by either making their pain and sorrow go away or by making them feel they are living on a higher moral and intellectual plane. To only read about a past master, their teachings and what a practice can be, then try to assimilate it through the intellect…is NOT a spiritual practice. Buddha said: “If you see me on the road, kill me,” which simply put means do not try to imitate him, seek your authentic spirituality. Instead of seeking what you want, seek what you have forgotten!
So what does spiritual mean? Spiritual is the very experience of the mystical or the nonmaterial, which governs the ebb and flow of Life. A spiritual practice is about becoming less…to know the more of the inner. This looks foolish to the person who is filled with fear, hate and greed. When a person catches the energy of the spiritual it engulfs them in a moment of great bliss and beauty. This moment of satori is what carries a person into an authentic spiritual practice.
Life is about the beauty that lives within and how to manifest it in many different ways. When you recognize the beauty of your life, you draw to yourself the riches that make beauty happen. It is beautiful to allow Love to bring to you the kindness that is authentic beauty. Fear not…there are energies that are seeking to help you live right now. Find out what you truly need and it will be fulfilled. Then want nothing with all of your Heart and you will know the very essence of the open secret of Life.
Keep asking yourself: ``What do I know that I cannot think?`` What is it that you know that your mind keeps pushing to the back of the bus?
Something is urging you to move toward what you seek that you cannot reach through your thoughts
You are what you seek...realize how powerful your life is and live in the profound meaning of EVERY moment
Greg Baker
Posted at 10:08h, 04 AugustThank you for this beautiful reminder and loving gift.
Posted at 06:04h, 05 AugustThank you, Siraj, for taking us back over & over to the basics of Love.
Vicki Weaver
Posted at 07:09h, 05 AugustWhat a wonderful “reset” for the week.
Gloria Shaw
Posted at 15:28h, 05 AugustThank you for your wonderful words.
Love, gloria
Mary Roos
Posted at 06:07h, 06 AugustDearest Siraj,
My gratitude for the creative videos you present each time.
Also, for your “tap” that guides me along the path to authentic
Posted at 08:31h, 06 AugustThank you for continuing to point your finger
Posted at 07:43h, 07 AugustThank you for sharing, much needed. Siddha