13 Sep Why Nothing Changes
If you want to see, see at once. When you begin to think, you miss the point. ~ Ikazuchi Dojo
During over 40 years of teaching the Way, I have found that most people cling to their ideas and ideals as if they were sacred, while living opposite of these ideals. Their hypocritical ways are cleverly camouflaged by the arrogance that only a self-imposed “knowledge” can offer. This creates absoluteness within them that eventually undermines their ability to meditate and know the true meaning of compassion. Hence, they live lifetime after lifetime in spiritual indifference defiant to the authentic Way of Love.
They are defiant about the workings of an authentic spiritual practice and seek to simply “cut and paste” different ideas and ideals into a philosophy that “works for them” (thus, sustaining their mischief). This process of defiant indifference, creating a new mechanism that deters them from the authentic, is the “something” that must be removed before they can be truly open to the Way.
A spiritual practice is more than a shift in ideas and ideals, thus creating a philosophy that the mind can conjure and the ego adopt as one more ploy against unfoldment. It is deeper, much deeper than a mere wish and hope. It has to do with maturing authentically into realizing the presence of Life as it exists as the very Source that is Love.
Love is at the root of everything....Love is energy. ~ Siraj
In this life everything is maturing and moving as constant unfolding energies, each transcending its own properties by revealing that nothing is as it seems. Nothing is stagnant in this lifetime or this world. Energy produces manifestation, and manifestation returns to energy. There is a basic constant and consistency to it all. As we mature into meditation and are able to hear the tones that imbibe us, we find that we become centered in the Way of the energy that is the Heart of Love.
Until we no longer live as a “persona” that was drawn into this world through its parents and the lineage of its human biology (Karma in the flesh), we merely live out the same energies lifetime after lifetime. Living in defiant spiritual indifference makes it impossible for us to enter into transcendence because we are caught up in the energy of the “persona” that is very primitive, spiritually speaking. This type of Catch 22 is very difficult to remove ourselves from in any given lifetime. It can certainly be done, but it is rare and requires great inner discipline.
Nothing changes in our life because we pit our energies against our Karma. ~ Siraj
We want our life to be a certain way that is not possible due to the many life experiences we have had where we lived in very ignorant ways. This is where patience is necessary and compassion is of utmost importance. Living to avenge our idea of “self” or to be self-righteous through gratuitous forms of revenge is foremost in our Karmic compost pile. All of this “stuff” that few of us can remember makes for a very “karmic” life.
You see, my dear one…to break our Karma we must first understand that it is energy that we wheel and deal with in our life, and energy that we are departing from through the lifestyles we have so willfully chosen. Many people believe that they are making decisions about their life based on logic and rational thought, but this is mere illusion. We have no choice in the matters of our life until we transcend the energies that comprise our actions.
We live in the clutches of Karma only because we refuse to change our point of view. Our minds merely shut down and we can’t make logical sense out of any other way to live than the one we are living now. We have no sense or interest in anything that does not appeal to our emotional intellect. Everything has to be “pleasing” to the senses and “convenient” to our mental abilities. Based on our mind’s thought patterns, which have made us small-minded and petty, it becomes obvious how impossible spiritual maturity is in our own life.
Following are some simple insights that will help us change from the Karma we now experience to energies that are more refined and revealing…some small suggestions that, if allowed, will help change your ability for deeper insight.
Nothing can change in our life until we deeply devote ourselves to change itself - the wholeness of our life is contained as a profound sense of awareness of the Being that lives within us
When we can realize the depth of Love as a flow of energy, we can realize that we are not separate from anyone or anything in this world or the Universe
To live with the Karma we have and to seek to be blessed by it rather than avoid or endure it is the real change our life needs
Realize that the great issue in this life lies in succumbing to a lifestyle that supports fear through gratification
Step out of the “box” that exists through living for survival and gratification - devote yourself to something greater than your fears
Posted at 20:48h, 13 SeptemberGive, forgive, transcend & love.
Thank you
Gloria Hughes
Posted at 15:33h, 14 SeptemberThank you …. love ~
Posted at 05:28h, 15 SeptemberThank you Greg
Posted at 17:39h, 15 SeptemberIn gratitude for sharing your insights with us.
Posted at 13:16h, 16 Septemberyes, yes, yes,…my soul is tired of waiting for me
Posted at 18:42h, 22 SeptemberIn Gratitude
In Love
For all you do for humankind…………
To show the path