it must end with me

It Must End With Me

This life is filled with Karma every moment. A Karma that is seeking to reveal itself to us so that we may find the road less traveled. ~ Siraj

There comes a moment in an authentic spiritual practice where everything comes together in an instant – where everything in the Universe clicks into play and the “bigger picture” of Life and where we fit into it becomes very clear. In this moment nothing is as it was or how life seemed to be, something more powerful than human impulse and compulsion takes over. In this moment the “bigger picture” of Karma and humility takes on great meaning and changes the ebb and flow of our entire life.

Please remember that Karma is not punishment nor a reward or retribution for past actions or lives. Rather, it is simply the impersonal outflow of experiences that we unconsciously place in our lives through willfulness, unmitigated ignorance and spiritual indifference. We deliberately draw into our lives circumstances, events and conditions through arrogance, pride and willful disregard.

Events that seem “unfair” and emotionally humiliating will come directly to help us understand our “ways” in this world and how susceptible we are to them. You see, when an inner spiritual condition that we are unaware of arises through the physical world, either from ignorance or spiritual indifference, it usually appears on the outside of our life as a seeming punishment, humiliation or setback. To those who are more philosophical all of this looks like fate to be reckoned with when, in truth, it is actually the equation of life playing out in proportion to our level of spiritual consciousness and in direct proportion to our willingness to be humble.

Learning to accept ourselves where we are in the overall strata of Karma is the first step to revealing the meaning of our lifetime here on Earth. ~ Siraj

There are moments when we come to a place in our life where everything comes together and plays out in ways we would never imagine possible. It is during these moments we are given choices that look to our human sensibilities like cul-de-sacs with only one way to go. Typically, this choice seems “unfair” and makes us bitter or emotional feeling the pain of thinking we have been unfairly discriminated against. It is so easy for us to “forget” our past spiritual indiscretions and believe ourselves to be beyond the retribution of our spiritually reckless and unkind actions in this world. We rationalize theories that fit our self-righteous and narcissistic belief in our own seeming and conditional “goodness.”

It seems that no matter how many lives we have lived, no matter how many situations we have been in within this world that offer us a way to live more consciously – we simply miss.

We miss due to our indifference to Life and its Love. Over and over again we face circumstances and conditions that keep showing us the Way, but we keep missing…over and over again. The door says pull, but we keep pushing and nothing will ever change just because we keep pushing. Few see this simple truth.

So what am I really talking about here? I am saying there will come moments when we have the chance to really change the way we live through the compassion of humility. It is a place where we realize that we are in a pattern that keeps repeating over and over in our lives. This kind of Karma does not leave us until we take the attitude that humbles us enough to recognize the state we are in and what we are facing.

When it happens in my life I realize one thing: IT MUST END WITH ME. This means that no matter how much humiliation I must face personally or socially, it is in the best interest of my Karma and the other person’s Karma to take the “fall” for everything.

Humility is essential to meditation and an authentic spiritual practice. ~ Siraj

This humility places us in an inner posture spiritually where we recognize the weight and importance of where we are in any given situation. Nothing is meager or unimportant in our lives – everything is here to offer us a door to the “other shore” of our being. In the outer world getting “bigger” seems to be better. But in the spiritual world, the world we all live in without realizing it due to our spiritual indifference, getting smaller is of greater importance.

Yes, there comes a moment when we have the honor of stopping the Karma of our lifetime and turning it into the blessing it is meant to be. But we must be humble enough to take the “hit” without feeling that it is unfair. The craziness that was spun by our willful spiritual ignorance must stop. It is a moment where reason and logic are thrown out the window and a certain kind of clarity (awareness) is born within us. This lucid moment brings the ability to recognize the “bigger picture” of our life and offers us the chance to do a great deal of good.

So when that moment comes and everything comes down to where you can STOP the illusion machine through sacrifice of the desire, pride and fear that has run your life up to now, remember: IT MUST STOP WITH ME. Do it now…make it possible for there to be Love, only Love. I can’t tell you when this moment will come, but your whole life has been made for it. It is one chance to live as Love and let this blessing of living be authentic. Remember what Jesus said about all of this: “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.”

Observe your point of view and how it either matches or opposes others, then consider why you insist upon being right

Question your own seeming self-esteem - is your self-esteem is more important than Love?

ONLY LOVE DISPELS HATE - let this be your Way, your Karma, at all costs to the morality and rightness you believe in

Learn to doubt your own values system and persist on the path of Love by having NO OPINION about anything

Give up being “right” and follow the road less traveled to awaken to Life as it IS - not as we want it to be - for only in humility do we find the Way

  • Michael Eidsmoe
    Posted at 07:52h, 18 January Reply

    Just give “him” up.

    Thank you

  • Gloria Hughes
    Posted at 16:48h, 18 January Reply

    thank you …. love ~

  • Mary Roos
    Posted at 00:56h, 23 January Reply

    In Gratitude for your constant guidance to Love…

  • Paul&jean
    Posted at 12:48h, 03 February Reply

    Thank you Greg ☮️

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