Move In, Move On

Move On, Move In

Move In, Move On

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. ~Lao-tzu

We all have issues in our life that challenge our emotional state and threaten to destroy our ability to simply live in our own skin. When emotions become a train wreck and we hurt beyond our own belief…and when someone tells us to “get over it,” but we are simply paralyzed by the constant pounding of emotion upon our psyche, what do we do?

Emotional pain is simply the moral distortion of circumstances that causes a strategic disorientation in the basic psychology of the human mind through the insistence that Love be subservient to emotion. This mental and emotional disorientation reflects the quality and the placement of all thoughts in our psyche.

When we experience emotional pain due to some unexpected or unpleasant event in our lives, we are actually experiencing the disorientation of an assumed morality based in pure emotion. ~Siraj

We need delusion and the mental illness it causes (through heartache) in order to live in the disorder of the society we have created through total indifference to Love as a spiritual quality. We actually promote a disharmony and a disconnect with Love by insisting that being “right” is more essential than Love in our lives.

Typically, the human mind cannot hear what I have just offered because the emotions we have cultivated during our lifetime through pain and pleasure will not allow us to “hear” the message. We are emotional train wrecks that just can’t seem to “get over it.” We live so broken trying to appear so “absolute.” In truth, we do not care about Love…we only want the “love” that our emotions can give us as passion. Passion has become the “unconditional love” of the world. People really believe that passion is the love that will heal their broken lives.

If you look within, you might find that the only thing you know is FEAR of loss. ~Siraj

The fear of loosing what you “love” – your whole life dances around this bonfire of the assumed. So here is my offering to you this beautiful day: watch and listen without the need to be confused by your own morality. Everything that is in this life is here to help you “get over it” by offering something called mercy…which, I have found, life is full of.

If you seek the grace that comes with awareness, you are in a posture to spiritually live your life in the compassion that will help you realize the one thing that the intellect could never show you: living supple. Yes, learning how to bend and move with ease in the gracefulness that allows everything to come and go as it needs to in this life is the key to “getting over it.” This cannot be taught. It is an awareness that one comes to through the practice of meditation and learning how to sustain consciousness over hate and fear. Allow me a more picturesque description of all of this from the Heart of Rumi:

This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they are a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing and invite them in. Be grateful for whomever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. ~Rumi

If you can read this with a sense of willingness you will deeply understand that “getting over it” simply means welcoming everything that occurs within your life with a sense of acceptance through the mercy and grace of compassion. You are not being punished for what you have done nor are you being rewarded. You are in the flow of Life and everything is coming to you to be realized as a guide from beyond.

Everything is here to help you awaken out of the sleep of your indifference. ~Siraj

Learning how all of this applies to you without the need for condolences will change the entire perspective of your living. Again, no one can teach you this…you must come to this on your own. It takes a very mature person to “get” all of this. Maturity being defined as not weighting everything from the emotions of “good” and “bad.”

To flow into Love and to let it have its way with you is what Life is all about. Find what is perfect in everything that you face and you will know the Way that the wise have known for many thousands of years. We are on a journey to Love, which has no real logic or reasoning within it. There is no “pay off” in all of this. Stay agile and pliable through out it all. Seek to hold nothing of the past within you…yet, see it for what it was and how it could be again, if you are not careful.

Let go of the notion that you know what is “good and bad” or “right and wrong” in this world. You do not!

Give up the need for explanation of anything that may seem to occur in this lifetime

Just watch what happens, how everything changes - you will find that there is an intelligence to your life that reaches far beyond the intellects' ability to analyze

Learning how not to “think,`` to no longer have conversations with your thoughts, is the essence of “moving on``

  • Mary
    Posted at 21:24h, 28 May Reply

    Thank you for your insight and the poetry of Rumi….

  • Paul kampe
    Posted at 10:42h, 31 May Reply

    Thank you greg

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