09 Sep Catharsis
Catharsis is the primal first step toward spiritual awakening. ~ Siraj
Catharsis is very important. I have found that many of the people that I seek to serve through this practice simply are not willing to realize how deeply “angry” they truly are. Another word for “anger” is emotional.
I often quite literally weep over my students’ indifference. Their obsessive preoccupations with their hopes for happiness undermine every moment of their precious lives. Through their mundane mental fixations of a carefree life in which mere emotional appeasements occupy most of their life and lifetime…they ignore The Way.
Humans, in general, do not realize how noble their spiritual Heart is. ~ Siraj
Everyone has the Noble Heart. It is just that few feel it much less follow it. How one lives with this Heart of virtue is the very art, the very meaning of living.
Most in this world have lost their connection to the virtue of nobleness that comes through the Spiritual Heart. They have done this through participation in every impulse, every obsession and every compulsion that crosses their minds and bodies.
They willfully believe that all of this constitutes a “normal” life and the state of merely having “fun,” which they believe is their basic right as human beings.
Their agendas for comfort and security are endless and do them more damage than they realize. Every time they fulfill some gratification as a way of vivifying their hubris in order to be self-righteous, they create one more barrier, one more problem that makes it increasingly difficult to return to the presence of Love.
The reason you get sick and die is because you love what misleads you. ~Mary Magdalene, The Gnostic Gospels
The average person of the pedestrian mentality can not and will not be able to recognize this fact. This is why we need catharsis. Catharsis allows us to separate our attentions from our lust for self-preservation through harmful acts of the genetic heart, which is evidenced by our Karmanand to which we are mindlessly addicted.
Living in the virtue of the Heart is no easy task in this world. It requires that we bypass all of the emotionality and gratification that that we indulge as a means to offer condolences for living the typical genetic lifestyle.
The process of catharsis sets into motion an energy that will not relent…the energy of Love. Letting catharsis have its way within fills our being with the energies of Love and wisdom that are our authentic Nobility.
Catharsis creates a space in which we bypass our emotional and genetic mischief for one precious moment to surrender to the Noble Heart of Love.
~ Siraj
This is why catharsis is so important. When done correctly, it circumvents all of our mischief by quelling the inner argument spawned by the state of anger (emotion) that we hold to so willfully. This internal argument is about how we choose to either be noble or pedestrian. The choice is our own.
How we weigh the choice of living as pedestrian or noble is very revealing. Most people do everything for the sake of gain. They become far too involved with this world, succumbing to it with all of its consequences, and so can never go far in the inner world.
The consequences will be found in Karma. ~ Siraj
My effort here is to help you let go of your modalities of living in the fear that breeds hate, so that you are not misled by emotional and genetic tendencies that obscure and evade this truth: you are here in this lifetime to recognize your Karma and realize the Heart of Love that is your authentic nature.
It is that simple.
Catharsis reveals the futility of seeking happiness through emotionality
By stepping back and letting the emotions pour out of you in harmless ways through catharsis, the true picture of their life is revealed
Practice catharsis daily to allow a more profound energy to emerge within you
Let catharsis help develop the horsepower within to move beyond emotionality and live through virtue into Love
Yield quickly to Love and generosity for the sake of attaining to consciousness
Posted at 06:19h, 10 SeptemberThis is a reminder to create no barriers for Authentic Love to flow.
In Gratitude
Michael Eidsmoe
Posted at 08:19h, 10 SeptemberCatharsis everyday is the only way.
Thank you.