23 Sep Why Argue? Just Listen…
If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed. ~ Albert Einstein
Only a precious few can realize the significance of Aspire because, like everything that is important, Aspire must pass through their emotional desires for appeasement and entertainment…thus rendering it minimal if not useless. But in no way does this diminish the importance of Aspire.
Until we are willing of the state of Love within through the spiritual…nothing I can say or do will help any of you. ~ Siraj
I do not ask you to trust me. I do not ask you to believe me. I do not ask you to understand, as that would be impossible due to your heartlessness.
All I ask is that you not argue with me about all of this…and simply LISTEN. If you can LISTEN to that which your emotions cannot contend with, then there is a chance for something powerful to happen within you.
Please listen to me here for just a moment. No matter what you may think or believe, the facts are obvious about the life we are living. Materia Medica cannot help you. Science is governed by politics, and hence we all have a shelf life in our health coverage. So we will suffer in our healthcare.
The government cannot and will not help you because it is a corporation that seeks only power and affluence. You and I are here only to serve government through taxes. And religion is full of fear, which only gratifies those who are motivated through fear.
So where does that leave you? It leaves you to the Heart.
It is only through the Heart that we find the blessing of Love. Love exceeds everything in this world. ~ Siraj
Live or die – it is only Love that is the eternal blessing of life in this world. Seeking authentic Love above everything else by forging beyond emotional fear and anxiety is what our lives are all about. Nothing is more important.
Most people are too dense and numbed out to realize this. So they suffer by their own hand through their actions, which return to them over and over again in their Karma. It never ends until they pay every last penny…as Jesus taught, as Buddha showed us, and as Lao-tzu pointed out.
Why argue?
Nothing is by accident. Everything is happening as a flow, as a state of Karma, that is pointing us at all times in the direction of Love like a flower seeking sunlight. ~ Siraj
Nothing in this lifetime is ever finished. Every action. no matter how long ago the deed was done, leads us to another and another consequence of Karma, which reflects the quality of energy that we have cultivated through many events in this world and our past lifetimes.
Our Karma follows us into everything we do in this life – never as punishment or reward – but as a glass ceiling that does not allow us to move forward into Love. The flavor and texture of everything we think, say and do affects the infrastructure of our life through Karma.
Right now we are all creating what will happen in the next moment, and the next, and the many yet to come. The repetitiousness of events in our lifetime, from the routines we play out to the unplanned circumstances that sometimes come to intervene into our living (some considered “good” and others “bad”), are all about the Karma we set into motion somewhere in the vastness of Life through the “little things” that we enacted so mechanically through our unconscious.
Nothing is random in our lifetime. ~ Siraj
What is done, what is enacted through motive and intent, creates a synergy that becomes an energy that moves out into the cosmos and resonates back to us in many different forms of circumstances and conditions that reflect motive and intent. These energies become states of living that are based on where we exist within the confines of our own self-imposed Karma.
Love is the only true measure of maturity.
Love is the only measure of our living that matters.
Love is what we are all subject to and is the causation of all events in this world.
So you will have to take your own journey and begin to realize through meditation and spiritual practice that everything you do matters. Everything is important and all efforts should be about unconscionable giving and forgiving.
Forgiveness is like learning to balance yourself on a bicycle. You have to get on the bike and fall a few times before you get the feel of that indiscernible moment of true balance and then simply ride the bike without thinking about it.
Ah, the Truth that sets us free is wordless because…it is unconscionable.
It is all about Love, my dear ones, and authentic Love comes from humility
Humility is the antidote to everything in our lifetime
When something of the other shore is revealed to you through a brief unanticipated moment - receive it with open arms and follow it unreservedly
Use the mind to be reflective of Love rather than emotionality
Do everything possible to break the chains of your hubris that restrain you from allowing authentic Love to ``live you``
Posted at 02:21h, 24 SeptemberBeloved Siraj
Thank you for the Light you shine along the path.
Michael Eidsmoe
Posted at 17:06h, 24 SeptemberListen, then listen some more and more and more. Love is always there.
Thank you.