23 Nov The Essential Matter of a Lifetime
EVERYTHING MATTERS IN LIFE and everything is MATTER that eventually becomes our MATTER! ~ Siraj
My beloved ones, EVERYTHING MATTERS in this life!
Many people never find the MATTER of their own lives no matter how long they live on earth. To most human beings on this blessed planet, life is a series of hours, days, months, years and the events that surround all of this seeming time. We measure our lifetime based on time and not the MATTER of life that may or may not have occurred during the lifetime. In our ignorance we try to fill the days with “stuff” from family traditions to the many various obsessions that can consume a lifetime, all in an effort to entertain ourselves with the emotions of belonging and what we call “love” in order to find our “place” in this world.
The MATTER of our life is never really revealed to us because we are not much interested in it. We live like the gift of LIFE is owed to us or something that we did not ask for in the first place. But the matter of content within a human beings life is deeply important and not only defines what experiences we may have, but also determines how we go from lifetime to lifetime as a matter of fact instead of the matter itself. Nothing, is as it seems…so it is imperative that we realize what is behind the MATTER of our life.
Life is a matter of form, not time. ~ Siraj
What “matter” troubles us the most? It generally has to do with our outer life or something that the mind is telling us is “wrong.” We live by what we think of as “good” and “bad.” Sad to say that what usually troubles us is not the condition of our condition, but something that reflects the matter of our condition that we are unwilling to recognize. Lao-tzu in the amazing Tao said that we have to be “sick of our sickness” as the matter by which we live. Most of us have far too much willful endurance to be able to recognize the “matter” of our life and its purpose. We all worry too much.
Life is comprised of three important points of MATTER:
Living in the vastness of Life without the crutch of thought, philosophy and ideals that give us an imagined identity in this world. When we make this life a matter of material accumulation of anything, we miss the importance of everything that we can experience beyond thought, through the Soul. We must be willing to let go of everything we like to think “know” and live in the mystery of the matter. To be able to realize what we cannot think defines the MATTER OF COURSE that we can allow in this lifetime.
The MATTER OF FORM for living is to LET LIFE LIVE US and learn how to follow it without hesitation, argument or fear. When our course is to experience that which we cannot think, then our form in this world will be that of the “other shore” that is living within and Loving us every moment.
The MATTER OF LIFE is not to live for achievement of anything in or of this world, but to awaken and become aroused by the Soul through Love. It is from here that the great MATTER OF OUR LIFE is realized and we come to understand that behind everything that is occurring there is a great MATTER that requires our energies be transformed into the significance of living in the consequence of nothing but LOVE.
We are here to do everything by living in the purposeful No-thing. ~ Siraj
Our ignorance leads to indifference to the great MATTER of our life, which creates repetition in our life of events and circumstances that keep us living mundane and immaturely. We are so busy making our life a matter of indifference that we are blinded to the real cause that brought us to this world and the life we now are experiencing. We are right here, right now…for the MATTER OF LIFE. We are here to move into Life itself, which means that how we live Life defines our sense of Life. If we live merely as a matter of matter we will live only as long as our biology will allow.
But if we choose to recognize the MATTER of our life through meditation and live as a MATTER OF COURSE, we begin to be transformed by energy and the presence of the Soul. Suddenly living becomes Life itself and is transformed into a greater MATTER within our daily and momentary experiences. Remember what the Buddha said in one of his parables: “How sweet it is!”
Only when we are willing to let go of the matter of ideals and accomplishments do we find that we have come to the matter that…EVERYTHING MATTERS.
Everything we do has a way of doing us. ~ Siraj
Lao-tzu said: “If you do not change your course you will arrive where you are headed.” We live a reckless life wanting peace! It is hard for many to understand that living is about the matter, the great matter that the mind cannot conceive nor understand. When we are willing to no longer understand, the great MATTER of our lifetime manifests in our being as consciousness and we listen to the presence of the Soul and move into the Love that seeks to live us.
What is the essential MATTER of our life? This is the true quest of our living, whether we admit it or not. We all have our individual MATTER to first recognize and then deal with as the MATTER OF COURSE – the way we live the path of our life. It is how we come to the place where we allow Love to engulf us with energy that will liberate us from living in the day-to-day instinct for survival. The GREAT MATTER that is before us all is the imbibing of Love, a Love that has nothing to do with emotion or passion. It is the Love of the Heart that calls forth the Soul to bring us back into the oneness of this Life.
Look for the MATTER of your life! Do not reduce it to some foolish axiom of morality or self-preservation
Do not be fooled by the events and circumstance that surround you in this world - see them as ``fingers pointing to the moon`` and respect what they seek to show you
Allow for the feel of Love and see that everything you do becomes the sacredness of your life
Dance in the significance of the Heart that forgives both you and I
Seek consciousness - become conscious...then LIVE as consciousness
Posted at 03:46h, 25 NovemberForgive and allow for Love
In Gratitude
Michael Eidsmoe
Posted at 13:28h, 26 NovemberLook beyond events & circumstances. Everything matters.
Thank you