01 Mar Living With The Questions
Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
The concept of an “answer” is very important to those who try to control their lives. They cannot seem to realize that we all live in a spiritual environment that our five senses cannot appreciate, nor can logic and reason define. Most people are looking for “answers” to problems that the mind cannot understand. They do not seek the Light; they only add more “darkness” to their living by wanting “answers” to satisfy their small-mindedness of seeking pleasure over pain and to give them the illusion that they are in “control” of their lives.
Life is posing no question – hence, there are no answers. There is just that which we are able to “live.” We live as both the “question” and the “answer” without really knowing it. Many people ask questions about themselves and their lives, which serve no useful purpose in maturing beyond emotion and fear. And others, rather than asking for answers, defer to the cul-de-sac of their own mind, which can offer nothing but conjecture and uninformed theory.
What is that old analogy about the human mind seeking answers by doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results? I believe they call it: INSANITY. When we continually go to the mind for “answers” that we can think, we paint ourselves into a small, narrow corner. But when we seek beyond the mind and into the Heart, we discover something different. We cannot seek the Heart as we do the mind. The mind is always coming at us and taunting our attentions with desire and fear…but the Heart is different.
If we want answers from the Heart, we must GO to it. ~ Siraj
We must be willing to enter into the presence of the Heart through humility. Only in humility can we have the “ears” to hear. To “hear” the Heart and its profound wisdom is to listen without the need for the conflict of comparison. While the mind feeds on conflict and fear, the Heart it is all about compassion and the Loving kindness that comes from a state of being where only harmony exists. When we fall out of this flow of grace, the “questions” begin to arise in the mind.
In the absence of Heart, most people default to knowledge. They believe that in the words of others they will find the “voice” of wisdom that lives within themselves. This is simply not true. Knowledge is borrowed; it is the intensity of the ego believing it “knows” through research and academia. Spiritual insight is derived through humility. Authentic knowing comes from the humility that leads to meekness.
The questions that we have about life are typically self-serving, which makes them foolish. When we no longer seek answers to questions that will NOT advance us into Love, we begin moving in a direction that the ego finds very uncomfortable.
How do we live the question? The answer is so simple to say, but so difficult to do. We must be willing to no longer respond to thoughts that originate in a mind that is haplessly literal, due to the endless pursuit of emotional gratification. Every question is leading us on to new revelations to help us “live into the answer” and, hence, bring us to the state of CONSCIOUSNESS.
Consider life and death equal, and the intellect is not afraid;
consider change as sameness, and clarity is not obscured. ~ Lao-tzu
If we can consider “life and death as equal,” meaning that they are one and not opposing each other or in conflict with one another, we have come to a place where “clarity is not obscured” by fear. This is a profoundly important insight. Most of our questions are merely doubts about life based in the stubborn ignorance of our insistence to live from the small-mindedness of human emotion and survival.
Most people have profound experiences occurring all around them, but are simply impervious to them due to what their minds cannot “understand”…thus, reducing beauty down to mediocrity through a logic and reasoning that is rooted in low self-esteem and fear. Through their complacency they become mere spectators in this world; nothing beyond the confines of their pedestrian mindset can ever happen to them.
If we can “experience” the “question” by allowing it to live in the midst of us without protest and conflict, we will find that every question we have ever had is about helping us move out of the small box of “rational mind” and into a state where we can eventually learn how to meditate through contemplation.
The Heart is the conduit to a greater intelligence that is our essence as spiritual beings. ~ Siraj
First, we see with our eyes…then we realize through the Heart. At first we “look” with our intellect, but then we close our eyes and SEE through intuition. We must simply live with these seeming questions until we come to a state of consciousness whereby the obvious can be made known to us.
Take your most profound “question,” place it in the Heart of your being and simply allow it to sit there. Then live to listen to the Heart. As you do this, watch and see how your day-to-day life is trying to point you toward a new way of living and experiencing Love.
Also, observe how the mind wants you to live emotionally and not in the deep Love of the Heart. Discipline yourself not to allow all of this to affect you. Your gift to the Heart is to create a place where you will sit at its feet and listen without argument, fear and cynicism. If you can do this…you will find that there are no “answers” to questions that do not exist. You will realize that it is simply a matter of living into a new “life” through consciousness.
Much is happening – and when we are willing, patient and silent…ALL is revealed.
Do not fret about what your mind cannot define or understand
Meditate to develop the inner state of being that can hear what the eyes cannot see
Slow down, be simple and awaken to the place where Life as Truth can reach you
Move so deeply into the oneness of consciousness that “answers” are never necessary
Live quietly and let the Heart unveil everything that the mind cannot fathom
Mary Roos
Posted at 12:28h, 01 MarchA reminder to let go of fear and conflict and move into Simplicity, Solitude, Silence…….
Thank you, Siraj
Michael Eidsmoe
Posted at 09:05h, 02 MarchPatience & humility. Being passive to thoughts.
Thank you
Posted at 08:55h, 03 MarchThank you for your clarity and insight.
Posted at 09:55h, 08 MarchThank you Greg ☮️