Insight or Logic?

Insight or Logic?

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be ~Lao-tzu

Only through kindness, real compassion that dawns in consciousness, do we truly know what and how to give. Most people leave this to the emotions and only give in the fear of feeling another person’s grief by putting themselves emotionally in these predicaments through their imaginations and thinking about how they would feel if they were in these perilous positions of Karma. Hence, we give out of fear and guilt–this is unintelligent.

True intelligence is a matter of consciousness. We, as the public, are easily manipulated by the human suffering that we would not want to face in our own lives. This is pity, and not compassion. Giving in this way only creates more Karma for ourselves, because our true intent is still selfishness.

Many of us can only give when we feel emotional. I have had many people in my life that would rather give to a political party than give to Aspire. Why? They believe that politics will make for a better life. It is all emotional and about self-righteousness. I will not go down this cul-de-sac of foolishness, but it makes my point. A fool and his money are easily parted–as I believe the ol’ adage goes.

What is never realized is that when we give money to an organization, we become the recipient of the Karma that is the nature of that organization as a POD. ~ Siraj

A POD is a self-contained state whereby we accept and internalize the energies of that POD, and hence live in its wake. You might want to believe that you are a real “individual,” but I could show you that this may not be true. To be an “individual” a person must be by definition: single, separate and unusual in character. An “individual” is distinct from a group, class and/or family. Can you say that you are all of this?

Many people try to rationalize all of this, but the facts are that most of us seek to “belong” and cannot be individuals. We want to belong to family, friends and a class of people who we believe are above average. Oh, so foolish. I once belonged to an Ashram and the unique aspect of it all was that this place allowed for total individuality in the context of being a collage of sorts. The Ashram was a collage of people who were individuals seeking union with the oneness of Love through the discipline of spiritual insight. It was, and is, so beautiful. It all lives within me now and I revel in it.

Our issue is that we suffer from the logic and reasoning of an emotionality that causes us to live absent of Love. ~ Siraj

To truly achieve consciousness, we must be willing to put aside our emotions for the sake of STILLNESS and SILENCE. Meditation reveals the power of SILENCE when we are willing to live in STILLNESS. For it is in our STILLNESS that we find the Heart of the Being that we truly are.

Learning how to change the lifestyle that we live, from willful desires to mercy and compassion, sustains our meditations and offers the sweet state of consciousness. It is in this deep inner state that we move from silence in this world and find that our “doing” is really a “non-doing,” and just how meaningful that is.

When the meaning of your life exceeds the power you seek over your life, you will find yourself ready for Love. ~ Siraj

The deepest ailment of our world has nothing to do with the physicality of the body. It has to do with the state of our Heart. The authentic Heart is more dangerous to us than Ebola. Nothing frightens people more than Love. I know you are shaking your heads in protest, but what I write here is true.

Absolute Love, which has no conditions to it, is far different than the emotional human heart, which has rules and morals that make sense to the human mind that is consumed with fixing or protecting different modalities of emotion. In the human heart there is nothing but the promise of gratification, and hence we do not search for the meaning of our existence because we allow the human heart to define humanity through the pursuit of what gratifies our emotional state.

Love is absolute and resolves everything in our lifetime by removing us from the emotional states that we find so appealing. ~ Siraj

Most of us love what misleads us; we would never think of giving up our mischief.

Love lays waste the frivolous human emotionality that we use to cover our fears and anxieties. For most of us, the most important aspect of living is to pleasure ourselves enough to forget what we truly are as Love and define our character through believing we have found Nirvana through emotional comforts and gratifications. Both obliterate the ability to recognize the authentic spiritual path.

I was searching for God for thousands of lives. I saw him, sometimes far away…and I rushed, but by the time I would reach there he had gone further. It went on and on. But finally I arrived at a door, and on the door was a sign: “This is the house where God lives.”

Rabindranath says, “I became worried for the first time. I became very troubled. Trembling, I went up the stairs. I was just going to knock on the door, and suddenly, in a flash I saw – if I knock on the door and God opens the door, then what? Then everything is finished — my journeys, my pilgrimages, my great adventures, my philosophy, my poetry, all the longing of my heart — all is finished! It will be suicide!”

“Seeing the point,” Rabindranath says, “I removed my shoes from my feet because going back down the stairs might create some noise. And from the moment I reached the bottom of the steps I ran. And I have not looked back. Since then I have been running and running for thousands of years.”

“I am still searching for God, although now I know where he lives. So all I have to do is avoid that place, and I can go on searching for him everywhere else. But I have to avoid that house . . . that house haunts me. I remember it perfectly. If by chance I accidentally enter that house, then all is finished.”

Karma will have its way with us and that is why it is so important to become AWARE of Karma, and what it is trying to teach us all. ~ Siraj

It was hardness of heart that made the man run from God. It works the same way in all of us. We do not “understand” because we are far too busy enjoying what misleads us. No teacher or Master, past or present, could help us with this.

It is only when we are willing to knock on the door and be found and realized by exposing ourselves to Love that much can happen. We can not understand what is valuable and important until we hear the voice of Love. It speaks to us through intuition and then in the wordless realm of consciousness.

Blessed is the person who can hear beyond their seeing, for they realize how important it is to serve humankind what it needs when it needs it

No matter what you may think or believe, it does not change the fact or the Truth that we are here to give and to be shown mercy

Read the Beatitudes - they are the perfect insights to set your inner compass by and enter into the Truth that will set you free

Always remember: everything you do and everything that you don’t do becomes your Karma

Make meditation you lifestyle - it will spread into your life and open many a door to the Heart of Love

1 Comment
  • Michael Eidsmoe
    Posted at 18:51h, 26 April Reply

    Serve all without an agenda.


    Thank you

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