28 Jan I Gotcha!
Due to the need to laugh, Siraj (Gregory Penn) gets playful with this series of programs as a way to awaken you through humor and a light hearted approach. It takes a silly, fun-loving approach…to reach the Truth! You will find this series is much like the Lite N UP! program series. Enjoy…it will help you find the humor in your spiritual practice, which is so necessary to being happy.
A very special set of Discourses is also available that encapsulates everything offered in this TV series as well as additional teachings and Zen stories. These Discourses have far more information and insight than can be included in these programs due to television time constraints. All Aspire TV Discourse Sets are FREE to Sponsors of Aspire.
“I was working as a live-in caregiver for a new client with advanced Alzheimers and on my second day your show, Aspire, came on and I felt your words soothe my soul. I was so grateful for your inspiration. It was a bit of light that came shining through in a very dark home. I’ve seen your show many times since and purchased some of your Discourses. I am glad to see you are still touching those hearts that are open to your message.”
~Judy, California
Toni Nelson
Posted at 09:50h, 01 MarchSo good to see and hear you after 50 years! Being in the present is hard work but with practice like anything else it can come a reality. Peace and blessings to you. Your high school conversationalist Toni.